The core of why we shame our pleasure ⚔️
💺 Buckle up for this one...
One of my teachers often says that the most effective way to control and oppress a population is to teach them to hate themselves.
I see this again and again with my coaching clients.
The moment they first connect with their pleasure, they feel “watched.” Policed. Frozen. Shut down by a stern inner drill sergeant (or 16th-century puritanical priest).
An inner voice dutifully claws its way out of the woodwork of your mind shrieking, “No! Disgusting! Dirty! Shameful! Slimy! Forbidden! Don’t be an animal! Control yourself! HIDE THAT!”
Many of us have been drowning in this blaring inner echo chamber for so long that we mistakenly convince ourselves that the scolding voice is us.
We believe its frantic outcries are true and make it mean that something is deeply, truly, irredeemably wrong with who we are.
And yet…
When we lean directly into this internalized censorship with courageous curiosity and take the time to get to know it,
I witness each of my clients experience a life-altering moment of revelation where they meet this part of themselves for what it TRULY IS for the first time.
Despite the years or decades of suffocating shame, self-doubt, not-good-enough syndrome, and the desperate urge to hide away…
This broken-record inner voice, at its core, is relentlessly playing the role of a tireless Protector.
It's a part of your consciousness that is frozen in time, terrified, and views you as a small child, believing that you are helpless and threatened without this military-level protection.
It’s a construct of your psychosomatic immune system that was programmed to perceive your own pleasure, body, expression, desires, power, and expansion as threats to your survival.
During our early developmental years, if we are directly or indirectly taught that being truly seen, powerful, and expressed means that our access to love, safety, or belonging will be withheld… we equate it to death.
So we grow up to unconsciously do everything it takes to remain small, hidden, and guarded.
Generation after generation, we do the oppressor’s job for them.
A shield only exists when something is precious enough to be protected ⚔️
Our responsibility is to now show ourselves that it’s safe to lower the shield.
It’s safe to drop the armor that was never ours to begin with.
It’s safe to burn the familiar shackles that have become our comfort zone.
It’s safe to expose the achingly beautiful, powerfully delicate, wildly vibrant, and tender truth of our hearts.
In fact, it’s the core reason we’re here.
The soul’s journey is to walk ourselves back home to the remembrance that it’s safe (and vital) to be all of who we are.
Audacious pleasure, erotic aliveness, liberated expression, and all.
Imagine the massive amount of energy that is freed up when we’re no longer constantly policing, shaming, and censoring ourselves.
It’s a wellspring of life force you never knew existed.
If you’ve been wishing for a space to drop the masks and leave shame at the door,
If you’ve been wanting to taste the life-giving nectar of your authentic sensuality,
If you’ve been operating at high speed and aching for an experience to slow the f*ck down, reunite with your heart, tend to your body, and FEEL yourself again…
🫀 Join us on Thursday, December 28th in NYC for PV$$Y TEMPLE.
This is a one-day immersive retreat to (re)create a sanctuary within yourself.
A radical celebration, reclamation, and awakening of your sensuous body, er*tic essence, and deepest self-love.
You deserve to strut into 2024 like the audacious, liberated, sensual woman you are.
Click here to reserve your spot now.
I could not be more honored to welcome you inside the Temple 🌹
You belong here.
With love and pleasure,